
Showing posts from November, 2021

11 Use Cases for Blockchain Technology

Believe it or not Blockchain technology has been around for over 30 years now. The idea of the  technology was first described in 1991 by Stuart Haber and W.Scott Stornetta who introduced a computer solution to time stamp digital documents to avoid tampering. Move to 2008 blockchain as we know it is invented by Satoshi Nakamoto serving as a public transaction ledger utilizing bitcoin. With so many advantages of blockchain technology that can be brought to the world, I had to be selective in choosing these few to share with you. Welcome to the place to grow and get inspired about the future and Financial Freedom. If you're not subscribed yet you're missing out. So let's get started. 1. Banking Reimagined We all want to keep our money safe and secure and blockchain provides the next generation of security. Banking would be faster, cost less, would have 100 accurate record keeping and above all would be far more secure. Blockchain doesn't just benefit

Think on Things of Thanks

  This week I'm taking a break from my normal blogs in observance of thanksgiving and my birthday. I turn 29 the day after thanksgiving this year, and I'm incredibly thankful for all those that are around me that lift me up, give me encouragement and give me advice. As of writing this my family is still  not quite at financial freedom but we are almost there. Its such a blessing to wake up each day and feel this sense of peace when you know you are on the right track. Sure there are still struggles and worries. For years people have said that we are incredibly lucky or blessed and that we better watch out cause those blessing may stop and then what will you do? They would say these things because the way in which we invested either or time or money would give us such a huge payoff that most people couldn't believe that we were able to achieve those levels of returns.  At the time I didn't think what i was doing was all that special or different, I've always had the

How Blockchain Will Revolutionize Business and Money.

Did you know the technology likely to have the biggest impact on the next few decades has already been around for 3 decades. It's not Social Media, Big Data, or Robotics. It's not even AI. It's called the blockchain, the average person has heard of bitcoin, but that’s about as far as their understanding of what the blockchain is, goes. I believe this is the next generation of the Internet and that it will change every aspect of business, government, and everyday common life. For a while now, we've had the Internet of information. I can email you a file, when I do, I'm actually not sending you the original, I'm sending you a copy, this is democratized information. When it comes to assets, things like money, stocks, intellectual property, music, art. If I were transferring my ownership of something, it would be really important that I wasn't transferring just a copy of that asset while I still had the original. Currently we rely on systems we can trust like ba

Blockchain Technology And Crypto Currency - Understanding The 3 Trillion Dollar Beast.

     Over a decade after the emergence of Bitcoin and nearly 3 trillion dollars invested into the crypto market if you were to ask the common person on the sidewalk about it, they probably wouldn't be able to tell you much if anything about what it is or how some people are making millions from it. Over the last year, as of writing this, the market cap of the entire crypto market has increased by 2.5 Trillion Dollars which currently makes it worth more than the entire company of Microsoft which has the highest market cap of any publicly traded company sitting at about 2.5 Trillion Dollars. So why if its this big of thing do most people not know what it is or why its important? I'm not here today to discuss the various conspiracy theories out there of why its being held back although if this article interests you, I would urge you to begin diving into the subject and decide for yourself. Instead I intend to give my best and simplest explanation of what Block Chain

ROI - Understanding What You Get For Your Investment

 ROI or Return On Investment, put simply is what you get above and beyond what you put into an investment. Most commonly this is used in reference to a monetary amount but you need to think about more than the money if you want to invest for financial freedom. If you have been an investor for a while you probably know how to calculate ROI but if your not sure or are new to the game lets all get on the same page. ROI, when talking about monetary value is calculated as follows. ROI = (Total Return on Investment / Cost of Investment) x 100. Before we get to in the weeds lets look at a real quick example.  Lets say you give someone $100 and they give you $125 back after a month. So we would write it as $125/100 = 1.25 x 100$ = 125% ROI after only a month. It might not sound like much but that is actually a very good return. consider that an investment of $1000 in the same situation would be worth $4000 after 1 year, not accounting for compounding interest. A much more realistic number for