
Showing posts from December, 2021

Crypto Taxes, Creating A Win-Win Situation

  If you have been in Crypto or blockchain for a while you probably know just how crazy and stressful dealing and planning for the taxes can be. While there is some really cool tools out there to help, this article isn't about preparing for your taxes. This is actually a thought piece and an idea of mine about how we could not only ease the burden of crypto taxation but possibly do far more.  Imagine a world where we not only, did we as a people have no taxes, but we were paid to be citizens of wherever we decided to live. No, in this fantasy land we did not over through our government and now we live in some lawless society. Our Government is still very much around and we have found a way to replace the monetary need of our government and possibly given them more money to be able to help build a better society. Best part is, is this new system is all proportionate to the amount of each "tax payer". So wealthier people will be able to contribute more than those in the mid